Student paper competition
The committee of international conference "Technology cooperation and economic benefit of reduction of GHG emissions in Indonesia" held on 1-2 November 2010 in Hamburg-Germany announces the Student Paper Competition for international students, including for German and Indonesian students. Topics are related with the climat change issue:
Development of renewable energy
Increasing the energy efficiency in industrial and household sectors
Smart solution in forestry sector
Management of municipal solid waste
New idea for CDM and carbon trading
One prize is awarded to the paper judged to be the best:
Maximum number of authors is 3 persons
The prize is accompanied by a 300 Euros honorarium. The prize will be awarded at the conference
No deadline for abstract submission
Deadline for submission of full paper: 17th September 2010
This competition is available for undergraduate (Bachelor), graduate (Master), and PhD students. Selected papers will be officially published in the conference CD. Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to send any email to climate_change@ iasi-germany. org
More information regarding this student paper competition is available in our website: http://www.iasi/- index.php/ student
mohon maaf jika dalam tulisan ini terdapat banyak kekurangan dan kesalahan kata.
Thole Bertanya Tentang Puasa
7 tahun yang lalu
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